
...what makes cats vom?

Yeah, I abbreviate vomit. Get over it. Also, I realized just how much insight into my life these posts have~ you can kinda track my little existence here, interests and time line and whatnot. I digress.

So, my cat vommed 3 times today. :X She's been fine since adopting her a week or two ago, but this spurred me to move a LOT of house plants "out of reach" (is anything really ever out of reach for an interested cat?) and to be generally concerned. I mean, that's a lot for someone who usually doesn't vom. Did you know Pet MD is part of Web MD? Here's what they say, which makes sense but isn't super helpful:

"You have probably seen your cat vomit from time to time without much concern. Vomiting can be a result of something minor, like a cat consuming his meal too quickly, or it can be a sign of a much more serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Usually, a cat vomits because he ate something disagreeable, ate too much or played too soon after dinner. Vomiting can also be associated with gastrointestinal or systemic disorders.
Some causes for a sudden episode of vomiting, or acute vomiting, include:
  • Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diet-related causes (diet change, food intolerance)
  • Gastric or intestinal foreign bodies (toys, hairballs)
  • Intestinal parasite
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Acute liver failure or gall bladder inflammation
  • Pancreatitis
  • Post-operative nausea
  • Toxins or chemicals
  • Viral infections
  • Certain medications"

Cool. So anything can make my cat barf. It's also rather amusing that the only two words Pet MD defines are "cat" and "vomit." Well, I DID clip her nails right beforehand, which she h-a-t-e-d even though I'm really good at and nice about it. And before THAT we played a lot with other little cat. Plus she's been eating his kitten food which is new for her, and she ate her wet food real fast. I feel that sufficiently explains it, but in case it continues and just to check, here are some plants that make kitties sick, thanks to ASPCA.

Shit. I have a mini aloe plant AND a flamingo flower. It seems like the aloe one should be okay since she threw up and is now eating a treat then running around a ton. Back to normal? I'm still moving everything away, however. I'm going to assume she's okay now that I've moved everything, she's eating, and she's running and playing. :X

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