
...what makes cats vom?

Yeah, I abbreviate vomit. Get over it. Also, I realized just how much insight into my life these posts have~ you can kinda track my little existence here, interests and time line and whatnot. I digress.

So, my cat vommed 3 times today. :X She's been fine since adopting her a week or two ago, but this spurred me to move a LOT of house plants "out of reach" (is anything really ever out of reach for an interested cat?) and to be generally concerned. I mean, that's a lot for someone who usually doesn't vom. Did you know Pet MD is part of Web MD? Here's what they say, which makes sense but isn't super helpful:

"You have probably seen your cat vomit from time to time without much concern. Vomiting can be a result of something minor, like a cat consuming his meal too quickly, or it can be a sign of a much more serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Usually, a cat vomits because he ate something disagreeable, ate too much or played too soon after dinner. Vomiting can also be associated with gastrointestinal or systemic disorders.
Some causes for a sudden episode of vomiting, or acute vomiting, include:
  • Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diet-related causes (diet change, food intolerance)
  • Gastric or intestinal foreign bodies (toys, hairballs)
  • Intestinal parasite
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Acute liver failure or gall bladder inflammation
  • Pancreatitis
  • Post-operative nausea
  • Toxins or chemicals
  • Viral infections
  • Certain medications"

Cool. So anything can make my cat barf. It's also rather amusing that the only two words Pet MD defines are "cat" and "vomit." Well, I DID clip her nails right beforehand, which she h-a-t-e-d even though I'm really good at and nice about it. And before THAT we played a lot with other little cat. Plus she's been eating his kitten food which is new for her, and she ate her wet food real fast. I feel that sufficiently explains it, but in case it continues and just to check, here are some plants that make kitties sick, thanks to ASPCA.

Shit. I have a mini aloe plant AND a flamingo flower. It seems like the aloe one should be okay since she threw up and is now eating a treat then running around a ton. Back to normal? I'm still moving everything away, however. I'm going to assume she's okay now that I've moved everything, she's eating, and she's running and playing. :X

...what to do with this leftover, scummy paint?

Apparently just throwing it out is not a good idea. If you have good paint, save it or give it away. Don't be a douche and "dry it out" or use kitty litter, because that litter could be put to cat use AND YOU WILL PROBABLY NEED THAT PAINT. Touch ups. New projects. That time you tried to move a couch into your apartment and it juuuuuuust fit.

Anyhow, my paint is super old and has flakes in it, so you have to look up your town and paint disposal, then just bring it in. For Chicago:

City of Chicago:1150 N. North Branch on Goose Island
Tue:  7 am - Noon
Thu:  2 pm - 7 pmFirst Saturday of every month:  8 am - 3 pm

Visit the City's web site at
Phone:  311 or for general info:  312-744-7672 to make my own Kombucha? And what the f is a SCOBY?

This one's for my friend Michelle, who survives largely on Kombucha and popcorn. Let's keep her daily 'buch costs affordable, shall we?

1. Boil any loose leaf tea ("one tea thingy" full), add 1/8-1/4 c. sugar. Let it cool.

2. Add a scoby (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast).. or make your own from a Kombucha tea you bought at the store, though I've heard it might not work anymore? Make sure to "keep hands real clean" but don't use antibacterial soap, and also use glass as metal can, over time, hurt that poor little scoby doby doo.

3. Cover with a cloth and let it hang out away from direct sunlight for like 7-10 days, depending on temperature.

4. Take off scoby mama and save it for next time with like 10-20% of your kombucha. To the rest, add some clear (no pulp!) juice or some such for flavor. :) You can use herbs, fruit, whatevs, and even infuse it and then strain if you want it really clear.

Once you have a Scoby of your own, you can add it again and again and another Scoby will grow on top of your "mother" Scoby (someone shoot me now). You can then give this Scoby to a "friend".

You can also order scobies (scabies?!) online, fresh are best: Kombucha Kamp!

Pretty basic (and suuuupes chill) vid:

Full deets from The Kitchn:

Yeah! do I murder a zipper?

Because I haaaaaate this f'ing thing so hard. If zippers were murderable, I would. Actually, I may have. The good news is that you can easily fix it, the bad news is that only as long as you didn't buy some p.o.s. zipper like I apparently did. Thanks, Joanne Fabrics.

If that wasn't your particular issue, or "North Carolina Prepper" didn't seem to address your needs, Life Hacker (which seems like a site I need to go to more often) has your back